Fish Oil

At Austral, we produce fish oil from anchovy (Engraulis ringens) to the highest international standards. It is rich in Omega-3 and fatty acids such as EPA and DHA.

Our fish oil is ideal for the nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries as it has a high protein content for the production of enriched nutritional supplements. These supplements are unique and highly beneficial for blood circulation, proper brain function, and vision, benefiting both children and adults. 

Furthermore, we also produce high-quality fish oil with excellent nutritional values suitable for aquaculture and pet food markets. This oil ensures optimal growth of the species that consume it.

Our flour and oil products have the Marine Trust certification which guarantees that they come from sustainable marine sources, in addition, they are produced with the highest standards to satisfy the needs of the most demanding customers and markets such as aquaculture, pet food and farm animals.

Our products have been recognized with prestigious international certifications.

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