Investor Information

Call to Annual Mandatory Shareholders Meeting

Audited Financial Statements for fiscal year 2023

If you want to see our “Audited Financial Statements for the year 2023”, click on “See more”.

Aviso de Convocatoria

Si desea ver nuestro «Aviso de Convocatoria» , haga click en «Ver más».

Report on Compliance with the Code of Good Corporate Governance

If you want to see our “Report on Compliance with the Code of Good Corporate Governance”, click on “See more”.

Corporate Sustainability Report

If you want to see our “Corporate Sustainability Report”, click on “See more”.

Annual Report 2023

If you want to see our “2023 Annual Report”, click on “See more”.

We ensure transparent financial management aligned with the interests of our shareholders and contributing to the development of our Peru. We ensure business continuity in the face of a volatile environment.

Securities Market Superintendence Portal

Click the following Link or “Read More” to access the public information of Austral Group S.A.A. disclosed on the Securities Market Portal. Read More

Corporate Documents and Policies

Minority Shareholders Dividend Ratio

To see our Minority shareholders dividend ratio, click on “Read More”. Read More

Corporate Sustainability Report

To see our Corporate Sustainability Report, click on “Read More”. Read More

Dividend Police

To see our Dividend Policy, click on “Read More”. Read More

Financial Statements Audited

To see our Financial Statements, click on “Read More”. Read More

Annual Reports

To see our Annual Reports, click on “Read More”. Read More

Good Corporate Governance Report

To see our Code of Good Corporate Governance, click on “Read More”. Read More

Regulations of the General Shareholders’ Meeting

To see our Regulations of the General Shareholders’ Meeting, click on “Read More”. Read More

Regulations of the Board of Directors and Annexes

To see our Regulations of the Board of Directors and Annexes, click on “Read More”. Read More

Related Party Transactions Policy

To see our Related Party Transactions Policy, click on “Read More”. Read More

Documents of interest

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