Ministry of the Environment gives us the third star of the Peru Carbon Footprint program

programa huella de carbono

Thanks to the fulfillment of our environmental goals, we are the first fishing company to receive this new recognition from the State for reporting the reduction of its CO2 emissions.

In recognition of our environmental management, the Ministry of the Environment (MINAM) awarded us the third star of the Peru Carbon Footprint program, which makes us the first fishing company to receive this new recognition for the sustained and verified reduction of its gas emissions. greenhouse effect (GHG) during 2023.

In this regard, our CEO explained that this achievement reflects the company's commitment to caring for the environment within our vision of being recognized as a leading company in sustainability in the Peruvian fishing sector.

“We are very proud, because, after a long evaluation process, MINAM has just awarded us the third star for the year 2023, a period in which Austral shows a verified reduction in its emissions. Our roadmap establishes the absolute measurement of GHG emissions from 2018 (base year) to date, under the guidelines of the ISO 14064-1: 2018 standard,” Adriana explained to us.

In turn, we have published a Mitigation Actions Report, which shows the annual reduction in emissions. These documents have the Verification Declaration made by the international certification company SGS.

The main action that has contributed to our reduction in emissions has been the change of energy matrix to natural gas. We started this energy efficiency project in 2013 at the Pisco plant, continuing in 2016 and 2018 at the Chancay and Coishco plants, respectively.

In this way, all of our plants located in the central-northern area use natural gas, which represented an investment of US$4.7 million and an estimated saving of 35% of emissions tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (TCO2eq).

“This achievement by Austral demonstrates that the Peruvian industrial fishery currently operates from a sustainability approach, since several companies in the sector are in the process of changing the energy matrix. This milestone is an invitation for other sectors to also join this movement to achieve more efficient and sustainable operations,” added our CEO.

State program

The Peru Carbon Footprint program is an official State tool that recognizes public and private organizations that have managed to manage their greenhouse gas emissions for the benefit of the environment.

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