SUNAT accredits us with the international certification of Authorized Economic Operator

  • In this way, the tax authority recognizes us as a reliable and safe company in its foreign trade operations.

Lima, January 2024.- The National Superintendency of Customs and Tax Administration (SUNAT) granted us the international certification of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), after successfully passing a rigorous implementation process, where we included our fishing plants in Coishco (Áncash), Pisco (Ica) , Chancay (Lima) and Ilo (Moquegua), as well as the Headquarters in Lima.

In this regard, our CEO, Adriana Giudice, commented that this certification places us in a prominent position within the global customs sector, and demonstrates our fishing company's commitment to safety, efficiency and regulatory compliance in commercial operations. 

“The OAS program recognizes us as safe and reliable foreign trade operators, for which we access several benefits at the country level, such as agility in procedures with public entities such as SUNAT, DIGEMID, SUCAMEC and SANIPES, a dedicated sector specialist, and mainly the “green channel” for our containers in Peruvian customs and other customs around the world,” he explained to us.

Indeed, OAS, which certifies reliable companies that comply with security measures in the logistics chain, has been implemented in more than 82 countries, since it is promoted by the World Customs Organization (WCO).

Our CEO also indicated that this certification is one more step on our path towards excellence, given that, in order not to lose the benefits granted by SUNAT, it is necessary to continue being demanding in asset control and security measures, in purchases, in the contracting of logistics services, with security measures and staff training, with regulatory compliance and the use of technological tools.


What are some advantages of being an AEO?

  • Consultations, guidance and training.
  • Greater efficiency in customs control in import and export clearances.
  • Preferential attention in customs procedures, such as claim files, refunds, regularization of export clearances and others.
  • Reduction of deadlines in customs procedures.
  • Access to the facilities provided for in mutual recognition agreements.
  • Assignment of a sector specialist for specialized guidance and assistance in procedures linked to the OAS Program at the national level.

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